Sat 11 Jan
** specials **ziHyΛ & ℓiℓℓiαnna 1oØ%Rεαℓ♛nεw ₱icδ!!! - 25 - 25
(Hickory / Lenoir, catawb,caldwll,iredll,burke,forsyth,Boon)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Need the puuurrrrfect way to start your weekend off right? 😉 Hurry CALL now 💦💥😉 - 26
(Asheville, Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory/ Lenoir & surrounding areas)
**Perfect reward for today! ***—————————— 704-530-1202 ——— ——— ☆ - 30
(Hickory / Lenoir, surrounding)
Now Servicing The Lake Norman Area, The Paradise, With Exotic Girl Alex & Elisa, HWY 150 - 25
(Hickory / Lenoir, 15 minutes from Mooresville)
Mon 06 Jan
*~*~»» eXotIc bOdYrUbs ««~*~* eLiTe & uPscAle ONly!! - 25
(Hickory / Lenoir, catawb,caldwll,iredll,burke,forsyth,Boon)
Sun 05 Jan
ämäżïnġ täntälïżïnġ ëxötïċ bödÿrübs!! 828-216-5856 $100 spëċïäls lïmïtëd tïmë önlÿ! - 25
(Hickory / Lenoir, hickory and surrounding)
Sat 04 Jan
▐ ☆▐ NEW staff ! ! ————— ▃⎷⎛▃ ————— BEST Oriental THERAPY ——— ——— ▃⎷⎛▃ ——— —— ☆ ▐ - - 30
(Hickory / Lenoir, surrounding)
amazing tantalizing eXotIc boDyrUbs!! ➑②➑⑤➏⑨➍④➎⑦ $100 specials LimiTed tImE OnlY! - 25
(Hickory / Lenoir, hickory and surrounding)
ASIAN MASSAGE ----free table shower ( hickory surrounding area) ) - 28
(Hickory / Lenoir, hickory surrounding area)
▐ ☆▐ NEW OPEN ! ! ————— ▃▆▓⎷⎛▓▆▃ ————— BEST Oriental THERAPY ——— ——— ▃▆▓⎷⎛▓▆▃ ——— —— ☆ ▐ - 31
(Hickory / Lenoir, surrounding)
Fri 03 Jan