Sun 12 Jan
*****HaNdS DoWn ThE BeSt Is HeRe***** Specials Specials Specials 704-574-6994 NeW PicS
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory,Lincolnton,Denver,Statesville)
Professional pleaser, open-minded to all desires!!! - 42
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory,Lenoir,morganton,and statesville)
, The Hottest Blonde Girl Next Door Don't miss out!!!! - 25
(Hickory / Lenoir, hickory and surrounding area's)
¤•°•¤ #1* E x O t I c* *P l E a S u R e *¤•°•¤ - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton,Statesville)
°*°* S u G a R~ N~ S p I c E *°*° Everything but nice! - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton, Statesville)
°`*~ X o t i c ~*`° Try me you will come back for sure! I ... - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton, Statesville)
💕 Sweet Sexy Blonde Bombshell 💕💯 Guaranteed Satisfaction! - 25
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory and surrounding areas)
¤•°•¤ #1* I n E v I t A b L e* P l E a S u R e *¤•°•¤ - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton,Statesville)
100% Sexy All Real Blonde , The Hottest Girl Next Door Is waitin for you - 25
(Hickory / Lenoir, hickory and surrounding area's)
¤•°•¤* E n D l E s S* B e A u T y *S p E c I a L s¤•°•¤ - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton,Statesville)
💋💕Sexy At It's Best!! Don't Miss Out!! Two girl special!! Guaranteed to Satisfy 💯%! New Pics - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory and surrounding areasl)
AVAILABLE All week long! Krystal!!! Striking Looks! (NeW PiCS) - 23
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory & surrounding areas!)
🍬SwEeT SeXy👯Mckenzie 💕 SuNdAy FuNdAy SpCls 💦💦 Troutman🌷 - 30
(Hickory / Lenoir, Statesville/Troutman)
✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ▐▐ *NATURAL * BEAUTY *▐▐ ✘ℴ ❤ 💰☆Specials★💰-BEST in TOWN —•— # OUTCALLS •—SMOKN H0TT •--- - - 21
(Hickory / Lenoir, Statesville/hickory)
¤•°•¤ #1* S e D u C t I v E * P l E a S u R e *¤•°•¤ - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton,Statesville)
¤•°•¤ #1* Y o U r * P l E a S u R e * A w a I t S*¤•°•¤ - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton,Statesville)
¤•°•¤ #1* Unforgettable** Secrets *¤•°•¤ - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton,Statesville)
🌟SwEeT, SeXy, BoMbShElL!!!!🌟INCALL1 50QV ONLY SpEcIaLs 🌟STATESVILLE 980-829-5987 - 29
(Hickory / Lenoir, STATESVILLE IN)
Have a threesome this week with TWO AMAZING women - 24
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Hickory / Lenoir)
🌺🍃🌺 SwEeT SeXy B8MbShElL!! Let's have a💥BLAST💥 2gether! STATESVILLE IN 60QVSpcls! 980-829-5987 - 29
(Hickory / Lenoir, STATESVILLE IN)
💋Trying out a new area!! Let's see how we do🍌 - 30
(Hickory / Lenoir, Newton,statesville,lincolnton and surrou)
🍬SwEeT SeXy👯Mckenzie 💕 HuMp🐫DaY IN Home Spcls🔅 Troutman🌷 - 30
(Hickory / Lenoir, Statesville/Troutman)
🤚don't miss out!! ✌ BEAUTIFUL companions sexy SHAY and juicy JOLIE ready for you - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Statesville/hickory)
WE BACK IN TOWN$°•☆ 👙💸💵🎋 with GREAT prices! 👅 - 21
(Hickory / Lenoir, Statesville Nc, Hickory Lenoir)
Sexy ~ And ~ Sinfully ~ Delicious ~ And ~ Addictive! ! ! ! ! ! - 22
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Lenoir and surrounding areas)
✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ▐▐ *NATURAL * BEAUTY *▐▐ ✘ℴ ❤ 💰☆Specials★💰-BEST in TOWN —•— # OUTCALLS •—SMOKN H0TT •--- - - 21
(Hickory / Lenoir, Statesville/hickory)
I ~ ~ ~ Wanta ~ ~ ~ Be ~ ~ ~ Your ~ ~ ~ Dirty ~ ~ ~ Little ~ ~ ~ Secret ~ ~ ~ - 21
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory)
Sat 11 Jan
***** P E R F E C T 10 ***** Don't miss out on the guaranteed best! - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton, Statesville)
Visiting Black/Latina mix visiting today - 29
(Hickory / Lenoir, hickory mooresville statesville lake nor)
`~`~ HoTTest Summer SpecialS with the Freakiest talented LadieS! NeW specials!`~ `~ - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, * Conveniently My Place or Yours *)
`~`~`Sexy.. Sensual.. Pure Beauty.. NoNe CoMpArEs! Mid-day SpEcials CalL NoW!`~`~` - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory,Lincolnton,Denver,Statesville)
1 Girl Companion 80 or Spice it up with 2 Girl Fantasy 160 C A L L N O W - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory,Lincolnton,Denver,Statesville)
°`·`°P E R F E C T ~10~ Ready for a Real man to show me action!°`·`° - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton, Statesville)
`~ Ready To Rock Your World~` Can U Handle Me? - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory,Lincolnton,Denver,Statesville)
PLAYMATE of YouR DReaMz RigHT HeRE WaiTinG For YoU! SeXy LaTiNa xox - 24
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory and surrounding areas)
supreme & preferred service, superior entertainment transcending all others - 25
(catawb,caldwll,iredllburke,forysth, boon, Hickory / Lenoir)
💋 Seductive Blonde B💣mbshell 💋 💯 Guaranteed Satisfaction! - 25
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory and surrounding areas)
¤•°•¤ #1* S e D u C t I v E * P l E a S u R e *¤•°•¤ - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton,Statesville)
~* Are U Ready to Play Dirty With the Best Around *~ - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory,Lincolnton,Denver,Statesville)
♡█✿✿×°x°× UPSCALE/ EXPERIENCED Busty ▬ PETITE ✿⎷⎛ TREAT ×°x°×( Great reviews) 80spcl - 34
(Hickory / Lenoir, Lake hky private safe hwy 321)
Well Reviewed Companion. The Upscale Gentleman's First Choice! - 33
(Hickory / Lenoir, Statesville/Cornelius/Mooresville)
textin/talkin n maybe hangout - w4m - 25
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem, everywhere)
Special Tonight - Give Me a Call!! - 19
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
💝💝NEW!!NEW!! And ready, Are you?😍😍INCALL HH SPECIALS - 25
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory/Statesville/lenoir/morganton)
/ / / / Soft / / / / Sweet / / / / Sexy / / / / True Southern FUN / / / / Come Play / / / / - 24
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory)
❤T•A•K•E A 💋N•A•U•G•H•T•Y ❤L•I•T•T•L•E. D•E•T•O•U•R 💌New Pics 💋Miss.Amanda'Lee ❤Fri.24th - 31
(Hickory , Lenoir & Surrounding Areas, Hickory / Lenoir)
***** Sexy Seductive Gorgeous Playmate Ready 4 U! ***** SpEcIaLs 704-574-6994 - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory,Lincolnton,Denver,Statesville)
°*°~ Top Notch Pleasure... Guaranteed The Best! Best Specials Around!~°*° - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton, Statesville)
Fri 10 Jan
▐ ❤▐ Uℓtiℳαtε PℓαγMαte▐ ❤▐ Latina Sensual Lista Para Satisfacer Tus Placeres.💎 💖 GREENSBORO ONLY! - 22
(Charlotte, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, High Point, Raleigh / Durham, Winston / Salem)
Stunning.. Exotic.. Rare Beauty.. Waiting for you to show me a good time! 704-574-6994 S P E C I A L - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory,Lincolnton,Denver,Statesville)
•*¤•L a C e Y 's•100% S e X y •A m A z I n G• B e A u T I E s•~S p E c I a L s~•¤*• - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton,Statesville)
~ S ~ E ~X ~ Y ~ S~W ~E ~E ~ T ~ B ~L ~O ~N ~D ~E ~ - 24
(Hickory / Lenoir, anywhere you need me to be)
~ B. ~ L ~ O ~N ~D. ~ E ~ ~ H ~ O ~ T ~ T ~ I ~ E ~ - 24
(Hickory / Lenoir, anywhere you need me to be)
*****YoUr WeEkEnD FuN StArTs HeRe***** NeW PiCs 704-574-6994 Super Sexy Independent Women - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory,Lincolnton,Denver,Statesville)
----» H o T t I e• W I T h• A• b A n G I n G• b O d Y«---- - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton,Statesville)
*****YoUr WeEkEnD FuN StArTs HeRe***** NeW PiCs 704-574-6994 - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory,Lincolnton,Denver,Statesville)
💋 Blondes Have More Fun 💋💯 Guaranteed Satisfaction! ! - 25
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory and surrounding areas)
°`*~ Sensational Seductive Mistress All For You ~°`* S P E C I A L S - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton, Statesville)
¤•°•¤ #1* E x O t I c* P l E a S u R e *¤•°•¤ - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton,Statesville)
*****AbSoLuTeLy ThE bEsT***** Specials Specials Specials 704-574-6994 NeW PicS
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory,Lincolnton,Denver,Statesville)
¤•°•¤ C o M e* P l A y* W I t H* T h E * W o M e N* O f* Y o U r* D r E a m S¤•°•¤ - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton,Statesville)
C R A Z Y sPeCiAlS ~~~> (80) (110) Full hr! 704-574-6994 call now Lunch Special! - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory,Lincolnton,Denver,Statesville)
💯All Natural Sexy Seductive Blonde 💋 Satisfaction Guaranteed! - 25
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory and surrounding areas)
*****EaRlEy BiRd SpEcIaLs***** starts @ 8 AM! 704-574-6994 **NeW PiCs** - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory,Lincolnton,Denver,Statesville)
*¤•°•¤ #1** E x O t I c ** P l E a S u R e **¤•°•¤* - 26
(Hickory / Lenoir, Hickory, Denver, Lincolnton,Statesville)